Update from Headquarters
As people are asking regularly, know that our management team, kitchen staff, brewing staff and contractors are working non-stop to get the doors open for you.
It’s frustrating that WE don’t have more definitive dates yet, but we will announce plans as we’re CERTAIN everything in place, safe, legal and we have enough beer to plan the opening.
We are hoping for regulatory approvals to host an OPEN HOUSE over the weekend of Red Flannel Festival (Oct. 2-3) and let our …community have a look at what we’re doing – and will announce details as soon as we know we’re approved for occupancy.
Our actual opening should be later in the month…we hope.
Again, our EMAIL LIST (available online) will be the first to know details…and STAMMTISCH CLUB (signup online) will be the first guests invited through the doors when the time comes.
Thank you for your support! We look forward to meeting all of you soon.
– CSBrew Team