Kitt F. Fisher Memorial Mad Scramble Golf Outing
Cedar Springs Brewing Company
presents the
2nd Annual
Mad Scramble
Golf Outing
• 18 Holes with cart
• Light lunch
• Amazing prime rib dinner (sponsored by Preferred Landscape) & Prizes to follow at Cedar Springs Brewing Company
Monday, August 14, 11:00 a.m. shotgun start
North Kent Golf Course:
11029 Stout Ave. NE,
Rockford, MI
Also includes skins, hole prizes and your chance to win a
Chevy Silverado double cab courtesy of Ed Koehn Chevrolet!
$75 Golfer / $300 Team
($30 dinner only)
A donation will also be made to
Cedar Springs Athletic Boosters
Go Red Hawks!
Sign up at CSBrew at the bar…or download registration form HERE and stop by to drop it off at the bar or mail it in (PO Box 34) with a check (must be received by August 10).